Michelle, Ma Belle

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Alby's second trip to South America started with no girly travelling companion. This obviously could not be sustained. In Lima, Alby looked up a friend of a friend, who owned a classy hotel. He had some trouble getting past the doorman, but once inside was treated like a king. Alby reports that he had never been in such a "grand hotel". I get the gag, Alby, even if no-one else does.

Anyway, the owner told him he'd warned a young South African girl who was travelling around South America not to travel any further south because of the political unrest, just the day before. He managed to track her down on this rocky beach. They had dinner together and decided that they would be good company. So started a beautiful friendship. She was even invited back for a starring role in the sequel, World Safari III, in which Alby proposes to her on camera. I don't know whether I should tell you what her reply was. No dammit, go and see the video!

All things to everyone, run, run away.